ok to make a scope in ps open the zoomoverlay.tga that u extracted and goto the "channels" section on the layers tab and click on alpha1 or if it's not there clikc the create a new channel putton(little paper with a fold) and zoom in to about 800 and u should see some whit at the corners and those are the allies crosshairs. now u can delete them or anhing. but for waht u wanna do, erase them and select a bright green from the colors palette. not go to the bottom right corner. select the pencil tool and select how big u want it. now paint it EVENLY in the bottom right because these must be symetrical. save it as it was if it wasks if u wanna replace it select yes.
after, open pacscape and select new.create a new folder named TEXTURES then in that folder create another named HUD. drag your crosshair into the HUD folder,and save it as "user-blahalliedscope" in the main folder.
that's it enjoy