Okay. I am well on my way to complete and total world domination. So now, I am asking for the support of the common people.
As part of Friends of Drew for World Leader, here are some of your duties:
Hand out fliers to poor, unsuspecting, confused souls.
Laugh maniacally as you see their confusion.
Tell people about how Drew Doss will rule the world.
Find ways to help Drew come to power.
Shoot unbelievers in the foot.
Stab unbelievers in the face.
Of course, being a FoDfWL member, you also get benefits:
Upon my ascension, all FoDfWL will receive large, nation-sized plots of land.
All members will be exempt from paying for anything.
All members will be given anything they want (except my throne).
All members will get cool 'I helped Drew take over the world and all I got was this lousy T-shirt' t-shirts.
Prior to my ascension, all members may:
Claim affiliation with said future World Emperor
Be affiliated with said future World Emperor
Be permitted to shoot stupid unbelievers in the face
Be permitted to stab stupid unbelievers in the face
You can e-mail me at
doclabsinc@hotmail.com if you want to help me rule the world. Now back to your regularly scheduled posting.