Good day boys...
After a LONG time shopping around playing games from Operation Flashpoint to Battlefield 1942, i've been able to distinguish one certain factor.
**'In terms of sheer singleplayer immersement and squad level combat, Medal of Honor has the most realistic looking gameplay and graphics, as well as spectacular capability for modification and scripting'**
Basically, i sat and watched alot of SPR and Band of Brothers, and determined that really Medal of Honor just looks and feels far better than any other game out there in terms of convincing single player gaming. The muzzle flashes are like something right out of real life, and the potential for scripting is spectacular. This is what Albow's tactical situations is:
**Albow's Tactical Situations is recreating absolutely believable wartime simulations of basic tactical maneuvers, involving realistic maps, 8-10 allies fighting along side you against a realistic number of Germans, and intensely open ended scripting offering you the potential to replay over and over again**
Basically, what i've decided MOH:AA REALLY needs are some maps that really feel like you're there. Remember how great, how immersive and realistic omaha was, only to go on to a level where 4 guys hold out against 4008 germans attacking a crappy mansion? Well what i want to do are create small to medium sized levels that have intense scripting, allowing the player to participate in either side of a basic maneuver like flanking a sniper in a church tower. The maps will FEEL real, and the scripting should offer the feeling that they are really there.
If you're interested, email me at What i'm REALLY looking for are people with a good grasp of scripting. Real good. And one other mapping position is available. Please get in contact if your serious about joining a mod. This is a nice simple mod wherein if we work as a team could churn out excellent maps at a period of one a month.
So if you're interested in working on a simple and exciting mod, where every piece of work will be new and challenging in it's own way, once again just contact me at And thanks for taking the time to read