I would very much like to track clan members score, and use that score for promotiong. Like a sertain kill score promotes you. When your promotet the program gives you an insignia that fits that rank. It could also be nice to demote people if the get killed too much (me hehe) It should be possible for the admin to set the amount of kills that gives a promotion. Maybe a sertain death ratio should substract from the kill ratio so clan members will fight even harder hehe. I should all so be possible to keep score for non clan members, again it should be an option for the admin.
I know the program need some sort of parser, what is a parser, what kind of language is i written in, can a parser be found on the net and where??
How is it possible to have the stats program out put the result from the log file as HTML?
Maybe a visit to
http://www.planetsourcecode.com could whip up a scripter that could help?
I think that MOH stats is a step in the right direction, but it needs fetures like the ones above, Aeon stats is a disaster to look at. What I think we need is a dedicatet MOH stats program.
If I knew how to code I would make the stats program myself, but sadly I cant code :-)
So any ideas on how we could get a dedicatet MOH stats program on the road is highly appreciatet. Maybe we could work together on finding people who could make the program?? cool: