11-10-2002, 02:37 PM
You know what, this weapon has TOTALLY made this game for me. Whether its lobbing nades at allies out of your line of sight, or popping them with a bullet in the head, this weapon is just outstanding. I dont mind losing the PANZER if this is what we get in return.
Of course, there are going to be complainers. Someone wanted to kick me for using it, and I was called of course a "nade-whore", 'n00b", etc. etc. And that's fine, just makes me laugh even more.
But lets get real here folks, this thing is just a mauser, with the ability to shot nades a LITTLE farther than you can throw them, with detenation on impact. THATS IT! If you pulled the pin on your nade and lobbed it at the right time, it'd do the same. And there are ONLY 5 nades on it anyway.
The thing that balances this weapon in my opinion is its splash damage. You WILL be killed if you are rushing with this weapon and have the NADES already attached. No if ands or buts about it. I even tried firing a nade up into a room above my head, and STILL got killed. So, this is still a long range weapon, but you are going to see ALOT of "FUCkUP TRIPPED ON HIS OWN GRENADE"s.
Either way, I now love rifles (couldnt stand them in AA).