Pegasus Bridge -
10-13-2002, 08:45 PM
Seeing how my idea on The "Day of Days" Map backfired, I was I search of a new idea for a map. I thought and thought and thought about ideas but, nothing poped up... then I decided I'd Try to make the most realistic replica of Pegasus Bridge ever for MoH:AA. For those who arent Familiar to Pegasus Bridge Heres some history for you:
--- Shortly after midnight on 6th June 1944 6 gliders approached the heavily guarded bridges - code named Pegasus and Horsa bridge – over the Orne and the Caen Cannel in northern France. The gliders were manned by men of the 2nd Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry supported by some Royal Engineers. They were part of the air landing brigade of the British 6th Airborne Division. It was their task to take and defend both bridges.
The bridges were a vital link between Caen and the sea, enabling the Germans to move reinforcements – especially tank units – from the east to the west, to attack the flanks of the British-Canadian invasion sector. On the other hand the bridges were vital for the Allies to break out of an established bridgehead after D-Day. So the bridges, which were expected to be mined, had to stay intact.
At D-Day + 00:16 hrs the men in the gliders landed very near the bridges, hurried out of their gliders and attacked the bridge garrison. This is where History Begins...
- I would Like it if somebody would "co-map" with me! (1-4)People
- I have the map 20% Finished and its looking Great!
- If you seem intrested on working on this with me You MUST meet these requirements:
- at least 5 months of mapping experience!
- MUST BE DERTERMINED I dont want anybody Bailing on me!
- Has a coperative attitude!
- MUST have fun!
--------------------- MAP STATUS ------------------------
Research 50%
Layout 10%
Mapping 20%
Scripting 0%
Sounds 2%
If ANYBODY seem interested PLEASE Write back A.S.A.P