10-23-2002, 05:42 PM
No, I dont want you to blow me -
What I would like is just a teensy, eensy bit of recognition and support for a nation of folks that isn't like the 4% that foreign media seems to take as the representation of America.
You know what, Americans CAN be some confusing, bigoted, hypocrtical people - but guess what. We're human. And we do the same things in public and in plain view that most others do in private. It gets melded into our own popular culture, this symbol of care-free laziness and ambivilence, and it's an accepted stereotype. I say it's unfortunate that others take what a biased foreign press writes, and accepts it as fact.
Remeber, that those folks in "government" that you dont seem to trust, and you feel only have their own best interests at heart, are a small majority of the lawmakers who have chosen that way to help the people who put them in office. They are doing the so-called "dirty work" to make sure this nation keeps its head not just above water, but sitting on the heads of other nations to do so.
I sincerely hope that our foreign detracters dont think that Americans are so blind, and sheep worthy that everything out of the mouthes of our "lawmakers" is accepted as absolute fact. That's a disservice that I think too many folks are quick and all too willing to do.
Which is a damn shame.
But oh well. Keep hope alive.