The Submarine Hackers -
10-29-2002, 08:00 PM
If your server has not been hacked by the submarine hackers who are hacking into the game while on server causing objects to appear, kick your players and more you are lucky. It has happened to alot of Mohaa servers lately. They made a mistake. They hacked into the [FS] server.
It is against the Law. I have the IPs of the hackers. They are operating out of Canada on Shaw Internet Service. I have notified my Server Rental, My Internet Service,Shaw Internet Service and ever Internet Service they hopped to get to the [FS] Server and of course the apporaite goverment agencies.
They should have not come and hacked on the Fighting For Freedom Server, belonging to the Free Soldiers.
I have the time, know how, and the money to see these Hackers burn in Hell.
Let us standed united against these hackers!
...The Eagle Has Landed...
Founder Of The Free Soldiers,
[FS] Desert Eagle