Signatures. Cut down on the damn pictures! -
11-01-2002, 05:14 PM
I am tired of seeing SIGNATURES with pictures that are half the length of my screen long. And by that I mean not only one picture, more than one picture. I could throw out names but Im not.
If I am not mistaken the rules of the forums asks you not to do that. For some use 56k, and it takes forever to load a page, and for 2, some use a low resolution, which takes up the entire page when you have these lame, retarded, huge signatures.
Rude, can you or can you get Badscript to limit the length of sigs so people cannot do this? Its getting out of hand. Even with 126k ISDN, things are getting to become SLOW LOADING. More and more people are using 3/4 pictures a sig, and huge pictures. And you take that plus about 5 people per topic that have those huge sigs, it takes a while to load.
I mean look at mine, its small and simple, notthing BIG. If you guys can't have a simple SIG like I and some other people on these forums have, DONT HAVE ONE.