Spearhead needs a FORGIVE function -
11-18-2002, 02:49 AM
I love that Spearhead has an auto-TK kicking system in place. This will really help keep some peace when playing on servers and no admin is present. I'm surprised that, though they included this awesome new feature, they forgot the obvious by including Forgive function. This is how it should work...
A guy TK's you in the game. As soon as that occurs a brief message appears in the upper right corner that says something like "You have been TK'ed, press F7 if you wish to forgive your teammate" followed by a 10 second countdown. If during that 10 seconds you press that key, (doesn't have to be F7, but it's currently not bound to anything), your teammate is forgiven and that one TK does not count towards him getting kicked. Otherwise after 10 seconds, it does count towards his TK count.
I think this is needed, because there are times when TK's are purely accidental or sometimes are caused by a guy foolishing rushing in front of his teammates engaged weapon. In those cases, we should have the option of forgiving a teammate who we know had meant no harm.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein allows forgiving of TK's, and though their gameplay sucks, RtCW sure has MoH beat for game interface features.
Without the ability to forgive, this auto-TK kicking feature may become more of a nuisance than a godsend.