realistic bullet hole and blood mod as good as SOF2. -
11-18-2002, 10:23 AM
While I love the realistic WW2 feel of moving thru the different maps of MOHAA it still does not feel real enough in combat. I shoot someone and other than them just dropping to the ground you wouldn't know they have been shot. They could have had a heart attack from the visible damage present. Or should I say lack of. I have been playing Soldier of Fortune 2 recently and I love the way you line somebody up in the scope and watch their head explode when you take the shot. Or when you go in on full auto riddling with bullets watching their body jumping and blood spraying from the hits. You can even see the difference in wether they are being shot with a 9mm or a 12 gauge shotgun. Even up close. NOW THAT'S REALISM!!!
I am not a gorry person but the realism adds a whole new level to the game. I know SOF2 is just been released but they had these same effects in SOF1. Even still I find myself going back to MOHAA. The WW2 scenery and graphics are in my opinion much better than SOF2.
While I am no programmer or modder is it possible to get the blood and bullet strikes as good as SOF2?? I have seen some of the work on blood mods and most of them look like the guy had a 50 gallon drum of blood dumped on them. Other than the red on them there is no other evidence of bullet strikes or any type of physical injury at all. I find this to be a very big drawback in this game. I shoot someone in MOHAA up close in the face and other than them falling down there is nothing else showing. This looks so fake an unreal it almost gives the game an unreal feeling. If anybody has played Soldier of Fortune 1 or 2 they know what I am talking about.
Are there any fixes to give MOHAA a more realistic feel involving these issues???