About Normal...Fast Run in Spearhead...IMPORTANT ! -
11-19-2002, 05:38 PM
Well I don't care much.. But if you want your dedicated servers to be more popular.. Might I suggest using some of the old school settings..
Here's some stuff we've added to our server.cfg for the dedicated server. I'm basically laying it out on the table so it makes even more sense to ya'll. Because I don't think most people are getting it yet.
// Run Speed
// 287 Default
// 250 MOHAA speed.
set sv_runspeed 250
// Note that EA plans to make 250 the default to keep it real for the
// people that complained about the fast speed. But you will have to
// set it to 250 for your server for now.
// Sprint Option.. We left the sprint on.. It's basically a burst of speed
// added when you've been running for awhile.
set sv_dmspeedmult 1.100000 // This is default for the sprint function.
// Enable Leaning while walking.. Does just that. There are other flags you
// can set. But we choose not to alter the weapons.
set dmflags 262144
Maybe somebody missed this IMPORTANT pst bye Mr_nStuff !
Well that's it.. Here's a Q&A requarding the fast run speed ..
{IH}Mr_nStuff - EA: The FAST RUN speed being set AT DEFAULT will turn MOHAA:SH into Jedi Knight with a very little following.
[EA]Cshelton - the fast run speed is being misinterpreted, it is not documented well...fast run speed is actually a "sprint" mode that the player gets into after running nonstop for a short time, overall movement speed has been adjusted to 287 from 250, we will fix this in a patch . So playing on a server without fast run (meaning that box unchecked on the create server screen) simply makes it where nobody sprints, you still move faster than MOHAA.
I tried it....and WOW !!!!
Finally the feeling of MoHAA in Spearhead !!!!