Complaints about Spearhead! -
11-19-2002, 08:47 PM
Hello!Well first of all,iam a Hardcore Mohaa player!When Spearhead came out,it was a fricking different game!What the hell happened to the leaning while you run,that gave the game a sorta taste and skills to work on,different from other games.For the people that hate leaners out there reading this,saying leanings not realistic!Well why is it,i can be shot 15 times with a smg,but only once with a shottie and dead,completely unfair!This is not a realistic game!Play Ghost recon and see how fare you get fighting 5 guys and winning!You fricking run so fast in spearhead,and when you shoot some one it looks like they are fricking sliding,(HOW GAY).Also,what the hell is with this,allied British!what the hell,if anyone is gonna be called allied its the Americans,every damn guy on theres called allied and then there name,except the americans in the game!They were only in the war for about 2 years!Wheres the Canadains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Also what the hell is with the fricking american guns under the british and russian weapons!!!!!The had the own guns!This game is totally stupid,allied assault is way better.Spearhead woulda been way better if it was just the same as mohaa,just with new maps and weapons,and the leaning and running at same time were still on.Plus with all those rocket fags out there!In War they dont use a rocket to take out 1 man,they uses them for tanks,how fricking ay.They shouldnt be in muti,unless its battlefield1942!I already paid for mohaa and i get single player maps!!!!!!!!Then i get 3 maps from people,and then a few new ones!!!!!!Frickin stupid!Tell me what you think on this!