heey peeps! what u think SHotgun VS LeanStrife! -
11-20-2002, 05:05 AM
ok peepS! this subject i think is very interesting!and i need to hear peeps
1. first of all is LEan Strifin kind of a cheat!?
2. Shotguns! My Dear Shotgun! are they Pussy??
so it's like this:
I do a ded. server. and My clan mates sometime argue about these 2 subject.
see this, 1 person like to use SG, and 1 perosn like to use LEan strife!
so the Leaner says No SG please! and the SG maan Says then no leaneing!
so the conclusion is like this:
If Shotgun are not allowed! then Lean.strifing are not allowed!
what do ya think? is this fair? or??