What is the worst game you have ever played? -
11-23-2002, 10:53 PM
OK, I will list one game for every console that I have played...
NES- Jaws (Finished this game in under an hour. All you do is swim around and shoot shit and make your boat stronger.)
SNES- Power Rangers (Basically you run across a scroll-screen and shoot shit while dry-humping another Ranger to make yourself more powerful.)
PSX- Metal Gear Solid (WTF is this shit. All you do is hide from enemies and blow up shit with a rocket launcher and watch long cutscenes of some dumbass woman get shocked to death.)
.JK LOL biggrin: . MGS is a great game. Contra 2 really sucked (the original Contra is the best).
N64- Have never played a bad game for this system.
PS2- Same as above.