The BEST IDEA for a FF MOD -
11-28-2002, 07:14 AM
fire1: M16:
Okay u modders or EA, I got the VERY BEST idea for a FF mod.
Make friendly fire affect the offender and not the target. In other words, if i shoot a teammate i should take that damage not him. Now i know that this dont make sense for realism's sake BUT i'm sure it would stop those idiots who like to go into FF servers and just blow away their teammates. Those people need and DESERVE to die in the game, let them kill themselves.
I'm seeing that this as a preventative measure would greatly improve etiquette and make the game more enjoyable without nOOb TK deaths or peeps just wanting to fOOK with teammates. I could see gun battles being more INTELLIGENT, TACTICAL, and CONTROLLED as opposed to unskilled SPRAY AND PRAY. I know how to hold my fire and fire in bursts if a teammate is zigzaging in front of me. In fact the best players i've seen are all like that. It's a very good skill to improve upon. We've all been in too many games where all the teammates are just running around shooting each other and not the enemy.
Moreover, this would also help to discourage using the shottie. I know a lot of you peeps hate "shottie-hoes" (heheh, sometimes i'm one in non realism servers). Too much risk to kill yourself in a group melee.
In fact, EA should make this an option in a future patch.
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