133Mb Download!! Or whatever im sadly a 56gay cough cough 56k sorry and a GayOL user i mean AOL sad huh?(waits for gasps)...So in this case I go to the store because it said at
www.mohaa.ea.com that it would be in the January issue of Computer Gaming World so I head up to the local Safeway Store and go there find the January issue today bought it w/o looking at the shit on front and get home open it up and find no MoH demo inside

just some god damn Flashpoint demo which I cant run b/c i have 64mb RAM which is the requirement for MoH Do I talk to much or what? Well so in conclusion I lost $10 got screwed over by MoH offical site people and Screwed over by my connection and ISP God Damnit! dont mean to be rude but it is very irritating i have been waiting for months pondering whether this demo BS is true and finally i get screwed over and cant get DSL b/c i dont have the right wires and cant get cable im sure but can I get a T1 or any other T connections?