One tight ass game -
12-01-2002, 01:52 AM
[gay_boring_story]Back in the fifth grade (six years ago), our class always had "computer lab" where we learned really gay crap about Word '95. well, after we would finish our work, which consisted of typing horsecrap like "Timmy tang the twat trumpet in Timbucktu." over and over, we were allowed to play this sweet, sweet game. I forgot the name of it, and the graphics were just as bad as Wolfenstein 3D, but the object of the game was to take the role of some dirty trucker with piss stains on his shirt (no joke), and drive around the U.S.A and deliver loads and loads of random shit.
The great part about this game was all the stuff you could do. There was no linear way of going about your way to deliver the crap. You could pick up hitchhikers, sleep in a rat-infested motel, and even run over dozens of innocent fuckers on the side of the street. You could also be a dick and sell your truck load of stuff to some bums on the street, and you got to keep the money for yourself. This was the best part, because you could then go to the bars in the cities and have all the damn beer you wanted. The only bad thing was if you sold too much of the stuff, you would get fired. I could go on for hours about this ridiculously stupid, but fun game. Man, it was great.[/gay_boring_story]