New Lame Cheat Laying down???? -
12-09-2002, 12:00 PM
Well this was the first time I ever saw this one. A guy on my server was laying down. I didn't believe it at first, because I try to stay current on what these lamo cheaters are using, but this was the first I ever saw this. We were on DV and he was laying down, it looked more like he was half in floor and half out of it (No it wasn't the going under the map bug, he was doing it on the second floor of the Apts). I called him on it and he said it was not a cheat. He was completely adamant about it being legal, then I asked him, "ok then how did you do it if its supposed to be legal". Of course no response, so I booted his ass.
First time I've seen this one. Looks like Sta7ic must be getting bored again. MOHAA is starting to remind me of Counter Strike.