MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL/ everyone read this -
12-18-2002, 12:07 AM
this should probably be in the off topic ill do it anyway just this once.just wanted wish everybody a merry christmas and a safe and happy holliday.over the past year ive talked to some really good guys.had some knock down drag outs with some others.but i make no distinction when i say happy hollidys to everyone.hopefully in the comming year ill become more tolerent of others..( BUT IM AFRAID ITS NOT LIKELY TO HAPPEN )LOL.i bought this game because it looked pretty at the store.i downloaded it and enjoyed it very much but i had no idea that a side benefit of the game was finding this site and all the great guys who hang around here.ive never asked a question that i didnt get an answer to.i went from just playing single player to now running my own server and i got a lot of answers as to how to go about it right here. so not only do i want to say merry christmas to all i also want to say thank you for all the help and enjoyment you guys have givin me along the way..if id know this before i bought the game id have paid 3 times what i did for the the hour grows late ill just say..MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL..AND TO ALL A GOODNIGHT...BUTCHER