frontline is not as good as AA/SH -
12-27-2002, 03:30 PM
4 a number of reasons (im board so i made this plus i dont want ppl buying it, and expecting it to be better) less technical issues tho... but the controls r messed up, its hard to aim if u dont have aim on (and then u cant move) u cant shoot and aim up/down at same time, up/down controler CANNOT move gun side to side, u cant jump over just bout anything the game is to scripted, the recoil and shaking controlers make 4 more realism tho... but the tommy has 20 bullets, what? u could put in a 30 round box or a 50 round drum, the colt has wonderful graphics, it is metalic, the mp40 has no major faults, the springfield looks really stupid, and zooms in way to close, u cant even zoom anywhere near that far w/ modern scopes, and im sry but on sub lev (special cargo) what is up with the butcher who has knives appear in his hand to throw a u? srty if u actually read all this babbling, but im board and felt like warning u....