Dedicated server problem! -
12-29-2002, 04:58 PM
I could not find a help forum, and I hope this is the right spot for this.
I have been trying to run a dedicated server for about three days and I am having a major problem. The server runs fine, but users get disconnected after about two minutes for no reason at all, whether I am running auto kick or not.
The connection is cable, and the server is a compaq proliant with a 350mhz and 128 ram and an ata 133 120 meg harddrive (don't tellme it is to slow because the same thing happend on my 2 gig machine)
The funny thing is when I start a server from the game in multiplayer section it runs fine----WTF?
I am attaching my exe file and my server config file for you to look at. Let me know if you need anything else.
EXE: "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\MOHAA_server.exe" +set dedicated 1 +set ui_console 1 +set g_gametype 1 +set sv_maxclients 9 +map dm/mohdm2 +exec server.cfg
Serverr.cfg file
sv_hostname "Super Jedi Mod KillFEST"
//Sets the NAME of your server, what people will see in the browser
fraglimit 50
//Sets the limit of Frags that will end the match
//( 0 = no fraglimit)
timelimit 30
//Sets the amount of time (in minutes) for map changes
//(0 = no timelimit)
sv_maplist "dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm4"
//This is the list of maps that will be cycled for the server
sv_allowDownload 0
//Toggles allowing client downloads from server, like custom maps
//(0-off 1-on)
sv_maxRate 10000
//Max data transmit rate by clients on the server.
//(setting depends on network)
sv_maxPing 350
//Keeps anyone with a higher ping than this value from connecting
//to the server
sv_fps 20
//Server FPS, this should increase performance (20 is the default) sv_floodProtect 1
//Flood protection from server crashing text messages
set flood_waitdelay 10
//not too sure on this, possibly time before flooder is allowed
//to type again (default)
set flood_persecond 4
//messages per second to be considered a flood ?? (default)
set flood_msgs 4
// ?? (default)
sv_pure 0
//Pak checker, does not allow clients to use PAK files the server //doesn’t have (0=off 1=on)
sv_gamespy 1
//Allows your server to show up in the Gamespy browser, and the
//In-game browser (v1.1)
set g_inactiveKick 10000
//Time (in seconds) that a client will be kicked for inactivity
set g_inactiveSpectate 10000
//Time (in seconds) that a client will be moved to spectator for
set g_teamdamage 0
//Sets friendly fire 0=off 1=on
net_noipx 1
//Disallows IPX connections, TCP only (network protocol)
net_port 27960
//Sets the port # for the game to run off of (12203 is the default)
rconPassword ****
//Sets your RCON password to allow you Remote Administration
//Finally, put a blank line at end of the config