Welcome Cheaters! -
01-12-2003, 10:14 AM
I have an idea. If all these cheaters want respect, let them earn it like the rest of us did.
my first peice of business is for the ex hackers or whatever..
Don't just expect to come in here, say "I'm sorry guys" and have us say back "Oh np bud, you only ruined any fair playing chance us non cheaters had for a year...really np." You should expect this "Go back where you came from" but we havnt stooped that low have we? no. some have stated their displeasure with the fact that you expect instant forgiveness. First thing you should realize is that shit aint happenin. I for one have stayed out of those topics until now. But with the everyday occurance of another coming in and the same flame war coming about, then I feel I must say something.
second article of info is for all the normal, everyday members of aa.com...
Don't flame these people. the best cure to this problem is to ignore it until something happens. If they screw up and prove you were right the whole time, then I say flame away! but until then just bide your time and remember that in a fair game, you that havnt cheated will be 400 times better than the ones that have.
3rd regard is to MPowwell...
Stop. I repeat STOP, trying to win back confidence from these people. see above for the things you should do to fix the godawful shitty mess youve put yourself in. I personally have had you come into my server, and if you were cheating, you wernt doing it effectively, so I have no quandries with you. And remember that , yes, you did this to yourself. Does anyone here hate me? do they flame me everytime I post anything? NO! Why is that? lets see..hmm....I didnt make cheats, then try to act like I was through with it...then make more cheats..then act like I was through with it...and so on, and so on.
in finality just want to sum up by saying that a cheater never prospers, and everyone has to pay the piper. may ye reap what ye have sown.