Cheating is so rampant in MOHAA... -
01-16-2003, 06:50 AM
MOHAA remains one of my favorite games of all time, I've spent many a rainy day and night playing multiplayer and the excellent single player game. Then I took a 5 month break, came back, and discovered that there were many more cheaters on MOHAA and on servers that claimed to prevent such cheating.
I watch folks 'look through walls' (at least I think that's what they are doing by their actions, I know people use the 'turn everyone neon green', autbot aiming, etc. Sadly, I wish I could find a server that didn't have cheating on it, but I've not found it yet.
Why do so many people have to ruin a great game by cheating? <sigh>
<climb down off of soapbox>