no n00b forum? -
02-01-2003, 12:13 AM
I was wondering if someone could point me towards a forum like this one, but isn't full of immature n00bs.
I've had enough of the pointless flame wars, spam, nazi mod jokes, and country bashing that fills this otherwise great forum.
Not everyone on here is a n00b, in fact there are a number of people on this forum I like.
But, the maturity level of a number of the people on this forum could not possibly get any lower.
I'm not going to leave these forums, because there are some great people on this forum, and it's a great place. But the n00bs are ruining it.
So, I would be very grateful if someone could help me out by posting the url of another forum that doesn't have so many n00bs, so that I can have a forum to goto when I need a break from the n00bs on this one.
Redhawk Six