Using Autokick w/o Dedicated Server -
02-18-2003, 10:38 AM
Whenever I get a chance, I like to grab some of my friends together for some MoH action, and I'm usually the host since I have the better machine. What I'm trying to do is start a game that my friends can join by ip and I can also play on myself. I want to use Autokick to keep the high pingers and tkers out w/o having to constantly open the console. However, I can't seem to get Autokick to work correctly as I'm a total n00b with that program. I'd like to know how to set it up for my situation. Could someone please tell me how, or at least point me to a faq or something. I read somewhere it has to do with rconpassword and putting the seta rconpassword "password" in the server.cfg file. I have no idea where to find this file. Please help! Thanx