Force Models, Kicking for Authentic Model Skins, & such -
02-18-2003, 05:55 PM
I understand that the server admins have the right to manage their servers, to play the way they want, but I have an opinion.
When I use a skin, i.e. german_luftwaffe_falschirmjager I always get kicked for a non stock skin. This skin is period correct, and not neon, and I wish to use it. I don't support cheating, but the skin question is one that will persist.
Can someone create a server filter that actually "looks" at the skin to determine if it is indeed a "neon, or scientist/snow skin" and warn on that basis.
Also, everyone should know that using a force model option in game helps performance. Admins hate the force, becasue some gamers use the snow, or scientist skins, but can something be done to help this situation.
Thank you for the fun.