Just tried Spearhead, my first impressions... -
03-25-2003, 10:14 AM
Right, look here those of you who clicked on this thread to come to bash me for posting on something that's old and already discussed 300 times.
I don't care. I know it has.
I've been on this forum for a bloody long time so I reserve the right to spam on it unreservedly.
Ok. Got that out of the way.
I have a slightly different view as I have taken this long to buy SH and give it a try. I've seen all the bashing and cursing of SH and was expecting the game to be fairly poor.
The sad thing is I only bought it because I have just about exhausted the options of standard MoH and have gotten bored of playing it, even purely with rifles.
I knew the SP was short. I knew the maps were laggy. I knew the gameplay was very different to normal MoH and I was ready to see some serious arse-dragging.
Well, after one night of playing it I'm not confident it will extend my MoH playing life beyond the release of Freelancer in the UK (next month).
It's not that it's absolutely terrible. SP is really fun, much more fun than the original MoH:AA SP. The AI has been dumbed down to a stupid level but it's so much more fun to play with a squad than it is to play Rambo style.
I'm part-way through the second mission and I am fully aware that, even on hard, I will have completed the whole thing probably by tonight, but I'll get my £17 out of it.
MP is a little dissapointing. I love the lack of leaning whilst moving, that is the best thing the game brought.
I love the Lee Enfield. Awesome weapon. I also liked the Russian rifle the name of which escapes me at this time.
I do like some of the maps, but it seems that the only ones I like are MoH:AA stock SP conversions.
This is where the game falls down for me and I know this has been stated before. The custom maps that got chosen through the competition last year.
One or two of them are great quality. The rest are, to be frank, fucking shit.
How the hell EA thought they were worthy of commercial release (and, essentially, our money) I don't know.
Some of them completely lack competent vising, leading to a completely unplayable jerky piece of crap. I only just spent £250 to upgrade my PC to something that can easilly handle all the maps in MoH that used to chug (Bridge, Omaha, etc) and now I have to put up with 15 fucking fps again!
Berlin... what the fuck? Were EA on drugs when they included this behemoth of a monstrosity in their game?
It's a bloody disaster!
The expansion is very good really, except for this one stupid fault. EA didn't get pros to make all of their maps. I could accept the butt-scooting if only their maps were efficiently made and fun to play.
Does anyone out there run servers for SH that doesn't include the laggier maps? I'd enjoy the game so much more then.
Other than that, once I've completed the SP and I've gotten bored of playing with 10 FPS again, I'll be off for good.
One good side to this is that I can take SH back to the shop and trade it in for Freelancer at a reduced price biggrin: