One brave guy -
03-26-2003, 07:58 PM
As part of the 11th Machine Gun Squad, Co. H, 2nd Battalion, 1st Regiment, 1st Marine Division, Al Schmid became part of the largest Marine force ever engaged in landing operations. They assaulted Guadalcanal in the first American offensive against the Japanese. After one buddy was killed and another injured, Schmid was left loading and firing a machine gun for more than four hours. Then came the Japanese grenade that would take Schmid's sight -- but not his courage.
Shouting at an injured friend to "tell me which way they coming from and I'll get them," he resumed firing, sightless. After the field cleared on Aug. 21, Marines on the scene credited Schmid with 200 kills. He received the Navy Cross while recovering from numerous operations on his face and eyes.