now this is a computer! -
04-11-2003, 01:55 AM
Black box is the ps2
Game Cube in top bay
XBox up close
NES and Atari
The following systems are installed in the Boxx:
Atari 2600
Nintendo Entertainment System (8-bit)
Microsoft Xbox
Nintendo GameCube
Sony PlayStation 2
Lian-Li PC-76 case
Microsoft Xbox
Sony PlayStation 2
Nintendo GameCube and an 8-bit Nintendo
Atari 2600 jr
Epox 8K3A+ mobo
AMD XP 2100+ CPU
ATI Radeon All-In-Wonder 8500DV video card
Kingston PC2700 333-MHz DDR RAM 512MB
Intel Pro/100 NIC
Six-position nine-pin switch box
14 various toggle switches
TDK 16/10/40 CD-RW drive
Seagate 40GB HD
Thermaltake Volcano 7+ CPU heat sink, also Thermaltake active and passive memory coolers