What about MoHaa EA? -
04-20-2003, 11:15 AM
Ok I read on the main screen of the "Modding Theater" it said that Dice and EA were taking an agressive stance on the already minimal amount of cheating done in Battlefield 1942 games.
I though to myself "Well hey MOHAA and MOHAAS were/ and kinda still are popular with alot of people.""So why the hell arn't you taking an agressice stance on the cheating MOHAA and MOHAAS?"
If you ask my I truley think EA are a bunch of retarteds...They come up with great idea's but they always ALWAYS find a way to **** up a good game.....
Your telling me that you make a friggin patch every friggin month (Sarcasim) for Battlefield 1942. But can never find it convienint to make a patch for MOHAA or hell even update your ****ing website?!?
I am sorry but this **** is rediculious.....And already EA has annouced "Medal of Honor Pacific Assualt along with its console counterpart and another expasion for the dwindling/dying MOHAA games.
Well so be it....I don't knwo if you agree with me or not but I really think EA shoudl pay more atenchen to games that really were very great games. I am not putting down Battlefield 1942 it is an exceptional game but you see Batllefield 1942 had/ and still has very minimal flaws.
So hear me out EA if you have the heart and mind to fix MoHaa I bilebve many in the comunity would be very very pleased.
Thank You.