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Another St. Anger Review -
04-30-2003, 03:42 PM
And yet another review. This time with all 11 tracks singled out. It was posted on somewhere, apparently. It contains some lyrics spoliers, so if you don't wanna know anything, don't read on:
We sat down in a small conference room, the lady from mercury records london came, brought the cd with her (no booklet, no drawings, no p.a. sticker) said a few words and the whole thing started...
1. frantic
definately a good opener for the album, starts with some fat snare drum hits (without the snares i must add). it is played a little different, a little slower than in the mar 3 jits video. james starts by singing: "if i could get my days back on a track", then "keep on searching, the search goes on". the chorus is rather strange - james keeps yelling "frantic tic tic tic tic toc". the song ends with a very fast double bass action. "frantic" is one of my favorites!!
2. st. anger
the title track and again - one of the best on the record. starts with double bass pounding, then suddelny slows down to reveal a very melodic guitar part and hetfield singing really nice: "st. anger around my neck, he never gives respect". then comes the famous part: "fuck no and fucking no regrets, i hit the lights on these dark sets" - that's how it goes. then there's a huge speed-up and the chorus, which goes like that: "i'm raming anger with you". near the end we can hear: "i want my anger to be me and i need to set my anger free". the song ends with double bass and fus rhythm guitar. lots of tempo changes - a great song and a great single!!
3. some kind of monster
this one starts with a melodic 7-string guitar jam heard in the nov 6 jits jamming video (i really hoped this would end up on the record, because it sounded awesome). again, a very long song with propably the fastest double bass pounding on the album and lyrics like: "we the people, are we the people??" and "this is the voice of silence no more". james keeps repeating "some kind of monster" throughout the whole song. there is one break in the song.
4. dirty window
a really fast song, also a very heavy one. contains lots of melody and tempo changes. system of a down melodic singing comes to mind. in the slower but heavy parts hetfield screams (in no specific order) "projector, rejector, injector, protector, inspector, detector". near the end we can hear the "i drink from the cup of denial" verse.
5. invisible kid
i think it's the song i liked the least from the whole album, but it may change once i listen to it a little more. starts with a very cool "metallica style" riff. James sings: "invisible kid, never see what he did". James' vocal is doubled, very melodic, also lots of echoes are added. halfway through the song there's a total change of everything, the song turns from a fast, metal one to a very meoldic, wobbly thing but with double bass. the ending is kinda strange with lots of changes. other lyrics from this song: "invisible kid gotta place of his own, there will never be home where he has grown", "open your eye/mind, i'll be right here".
6. my world
another great song. has a little grundge feel in it. not as fast as the other ones, but still contains lots of double bass. "it's my world sucker, it's my world, you can't have it" - james hetfield sings. before the famous: "do not know the answer" (which is played a little slower on the drums) and "i don't even know what the question is", repeated a few times in the song, we can hear james singing: "it's my time now, look out motherfuckers, here i come".
7. shoot me again
again, vocal sounds a little soad-like. heavy beginning but then changes. in the chorus we can hear "shoot me again, i'm not dead yet" - hetfields voice sounds very "load'y". the track contains lots of short pauses and changes totally after 05.00 min. you can hear a small part of it in the jits make a wish video, after the so called "shadows of the cross/look at you" thing.
8. sweet amber
starts with a bluesy intro, played on a 7-string guitar. then goes faster and again slowes down durng the chorus: "sweet amber, how sweet are you, how sweet does it get??", which is ver melodic. another one of my favorites!!
9. unnamed feeling
this is the calmest of all the songs, contains a lot of slow, melodic parts. but still - it's not a ballad, since it explodes after a while. you can hear james singing "unnamed feeling takes me away".
10. purify
this is a very frantic song. lots of controlled chaos. the intro is super heavy and crushing. again, lots of double bass. james sings: "purify, won't/can't you help me??". in the chorus, james shouts like a madman: "purify, you and i" a few times. when it comes to 05:00 min, the song changes and we can hear kinda solo, then comes a very rock and roll riff. another great song!!
11. all within my hands
and last, but definately not least. distinguishes itself from the others by long melodic passages with choruses. james sings different verses: "make me mad, kill/crush/squeeze/trap all within my hands". endding is very cool, lots of pauses, crashes, guitar feedback and james singing "kill kill kill" a few times. again - a favorite!!