my first skin... 101st AIRBORNE DDAY -
05-10-2003, 08:03 PM
The faces are from Wolf-Man's DDAY Landing skins, the uniform and equipment is from Jojimbo's 101st Airborne pack and the Band of Brothers 3-Pack. The helmets and American flags are from Falpo's Airborne skins. I put it all together and changed some of it a little. I just wanted to give recognition to all of the people who's stuff I used. I wont be releasing the skins, I just wanted to show them to you all because I am always making requests and not doing it myself, lol. There is a Luietenant and a Private First Class. I also made a Sergeant but I dont have any screenshots.
You might not be able to see it good, but the gear is a sidearm holster, a grenade on the jump jacket, a trench tool, canteen, and wire cutters. I tried to make the ammo belt 3d but I didnt know how. If you're wondering, the thompson that the Private carries is ToeNail's.