I called up yesterday to find out when they'd get it in, and here's how the conversation went:
Me: Yeah, I'm calling about MoH:AA for the PC...when are you guys going to get that in?
Clerk: Uh...let me check...*checks w/ person in the background* Hey when are we going to get in MoH:AA? *To Me* About a month.
Me: A MONTH?!?!?!?!
Clerk: Yeah, that's what this guy says.
Me: Uhhh. OK, but the release date is the 22.
Clerk: Oh, well then, we should get it then. We usually get the games on the release date.
Me: OK. Thanks. Bye. *Click*
Then, I went there today, and asked them when they'd get it in, and the guy told me if it (the release date) was a Tues. they'd get it in then, cause their shipments come 2 or 3 times a week on certain days. So I guess (hopefully) I'll be able to get it Launch Day.