Florida's Wildlife Control, ownz the road? -
05-16-2003, 02:20 AM
I'm driving home today, on a back road, when all sudden I see FWC (Florida Wildlife Control). The guy's doing like 32 in a 35, so I switch lanes. Now I admit I was driving on his ass for a minute, but then I switched lanes. I'm about even with him when all sudden, my side mirror is about even to the front of his car. I guess he got pissed or somtin but then he hits the sirens. I'm like "What the fuck? He's FWC." I pull over on the side thinking, he'll probally pass me or some shit because there's no way a FWC officer can give me a ticket? Get's out of his car asking to see my license n registration. I'm still in shock n awe at this! The cop was a total asshole. I mean it was like he had nothing better to do. Just BS'n me about I was doing 40 next to him and he was doing only 32. I knew there was no way I was getting a ticket do to the fact that he had no speedometer and no way of telling if I was speeding.
My big disbelief is that; when did glorified park rangers, all sudden become traffic cops? Any thoughts here? This happen to anyone else?