BrotherHood -
05-21-2003, 06:37 PM
What is up Allied Assault Forum ,
I hope all is well with you all this evening . There was something that was brought to my attention recently not that I am a modierator of the forum or anything but it has to do with something we all share together and that is the brotherhood that is Medal Of Honor, and the . Forum. This day and time we come across all types from experienced to new guys and ones that know how to mod to those who just installed the game . Well if someone makes a post and its something that bothers you than private message em or something about it , don’t bash em out right . We live in a world that presents that enough to us , this is Medal Of Honor ,this is our home away from home , this is where the beer stay cool , the women pics never grow ole , the skins get better and we get more crazy in those servers out there .
A good friend of mine recently joined the forum and was bashed and made very not welcome and now has lost interest in following up here . Now Come on , we cant bash a fellow moh bro .
Where is Fubah this day and time
Tales From The Frontline new staff announement and recruitment
Episode 4
New Site to talk about mods and new Fubah skins
God Bless . Take Care