how to edit crosshairs, health, ammo etc. -
05-28-2003, 03:33 AM
Ok im quite new to the skin makers but this is what i do
d/l pakscape and open pak1.pk3 in your main folder
open textures/hud and choose somthing u wanna edit eg: healthmeter.tga and healthmeterflash.tga
open them up using ur paint prog
edit them to your hearts content
save them as the same name DONT CHANGE THE NAME OF THE PIC EG: healthmeter.tga KEEP IT AS THAT OR IT WONT WORK!!!
now open pakscape again and click NEW (the blank sheet of paper in the corner)
make a directorory: textures: then in there make one called: hud:
place ur .tga files in there
save the pk3 file as user-(yourname)_(thing youve edited).pk3
save it in ur main folder and pray that it should work! angel: angel: swordfight: