Tutorial on converting and or making models -
05-30-2003, 01:03 AM
This is just an idea but maybe someone or a couple of you guys out there that do models and convert them might be able to make a good tutorial maybe with pics in PDF format .. I didnt just post this topic because i want to learn how to model (Not saying i dont) but it kinda came to me within the last month or so i have been in these forums .. I have seen MANY MANY ppl asking for numerous things that they want done by you guys out there that model .. and also i dont know what your guys opinion is on the fact that mohaa is fading away slowly but if there was a GOOD tutorial on this it might help others get into modeling and converting .. Not only reliving some of the stress of you guys that do already do this but also the more ppl that get involved in the game other than just playing it would help REVIVE the game..