June 1, 2003 is Canadian Forces Day -
05-30-2003, 05:02 PM
June 1, 2003 is Canadian Forces Day.
Protecting Canadian Values at Home and Abroad
On May 31, 2002, Prime Minister Chrétien proclaimed that, henceforth, the first Sunday in June would be celebrated as Canadian Forces Day. This proclamation was made in response to a unanimously adopted Private Member's Motion that reflected Canadians' interest in our Navy, Army and Air Force, and their wish to express their gratitude for CF members' service.
Interest is even stronger this year. According to a recent Angus Reid poll, Canadians are more eager now than at any time in the last 30 years to listen, learn and take part in deliberations about the future of the Canadian Forces. CF members are proud of the recognition that Canadian Forces Day brings to their service in Canada and around the world.
The current world situation means that CF members are more in demand than ever.
Since September 11, 2001, more than 6,000 CF members have served or are serving now on Operation APOLLO, Canada's military contribution to the international campaign against terrorism, which currently involves a Naval Task Group and two Air Force detachments. The Canadian contingent in the NATO Stabilization Force in the Balkan region, maintained under Operation PALLADIUM since the mid-1990s, totals more than 1,000 CF members in Task Force Bosnia-Herzegovina. And this summer, a major new commitment begins under Operation ATHENA, as the 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group deploys to join the International Stabilization and Assistance Force in Kabul, Afghanistan.
In many ways, the Canadian Forces symbolize what unites us as Canadians: our willingness to help those in need, our pride in internationalism and contributions to peace, and our willingness to protect the things we value.