01-16-2002, 11:41 AM
-The project IGI unending enemy spawn...Ever sit there for a few min's, next thing you know there's an endless wave of people coming from the same area...you can go into a room that's tiny where 100 people were just pouring out of a few min's ago.
-The fact that people can hear you and know where you are at all times...sneaking around means nothing...slip into a corner...never fooled. And why all the foliage if you can be seen instantly from a hundered feet in the middle of a bush.
-There's no level between hard and medium, hard is insane but medium is boring.
-The enemy seems to speed up while you aren't looking: every taken a few shots down the hall look down for a sec and then back up and they guy just cleared like 40 feet in 2 seconds
-Teamate stupidity...why do they walk into the street stand up and fire at people when there's people shooting at them from nearly every direction.
-i'm sure i'll have more later...back to playing.
Well these are for discussion and hopefully for the next version of MOH...i know it's too late now, still a fantastic game, but i'm currently frustrated.