Most Extreme Elimination Challenge!!! -
06-22-2003, 07:42 PM
YOU GUYS HAVE TO WATCH THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is absolutely hilarious!
it's a japanese gameshow in english, which they air on TNN/SpikeTV in N.America. I was laughing so hard watching it, plus the english translations is so funny!
Taken from anotehr page:
This show is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It's actually a wacky-physical-stunts-type game show from Japan that has been licensed then dubbed over in English, a la Iron Chef, but while Iron Chef is unintentionally funny (to me anyway), this is deliberately funny, as the dubs aren't actually translations of what's being said. I just kept thinking, "it's like the MST3K of game shows," which is a good thing. Anyway, It had gooselady and I cracking up. It's airing at 9:00 Saturday nights and 8:00 Sunday nights on TNN.
One of their funnier events was one where u had to pick a door out of four doors and run right thru it. The door is actually made of papaer, but it looks real. Anyways, the catch is that one of the foor doors is solid wood!!!! LOL.... It was fucking hilarious watching those poor contestants run into a solid wall!!!! ROFLOL biggrin: