01-17-2002, 06:27 AM
I'm sure this will not go down well with some people... but here's my impressions about the game:
Allied Assault is a great game, but, it has nothing new or inovative which warrants the hype that surrounds it.
- it uses a 3d engine which is more than 2 years old
- The scripted mission idea has been implemented before. (half life)
- There's no blood or "damage model" for the soldiers
Compared to wolfenstein:
- I feel that the balance of weapons is not nearly as good as it is in wolfenstein
- I miss the class system of wolfie
It's certainly worth buying but I think the single player campaign will become boring after a few plays. This because the scripting is great to see the first time, but is it fun to storm the beach along exactly the same route for the 20th time? The lasting appeal of a game comes from inventing new, ever more outrages ways to achieve the objectives. However, here you must find person or item x at location y before gate z opens before you may proceed.
I really truely hope there will be some patches for the multiplayer game. I think the realism vs. fun factor should be shifted towards the fun factor a bit more to make this game as enjoyable as it can be...