enchance gaming preformance -
07-28-2003, 02:37 AM
i was over at a buddy of mines house, who just so happens to be in my SH clan, and i jumped onto his manchine to play a little SH. well until this time, the way i figured online gaming to be was that it was alittle bit choppy. not extremely choppy, but slightly..well his online gaming preformance was amazing. he was pinging in the 50's, which is where i ping most of the time, and the game ran so smooth. not one bit of choppiness. i went like 45 and 27, which i never play that will. his machine is no better than mine. we are both running xp with a 64meg gforce video cards, the only difference is he has a G of DDR ram and I am using 512 SD ram. (my mother isnt compatible with DDR)
After playing on his manchine and then going home to mine was depressing. so i have to find out how i can enhance my online gaming preformance to match his.
what do you think..? if i up my ram, do you think it will smooth out the choppiness?
thanks for your help.