Thinking So Hard it hurts..need a decision -
08-02-2003, 05:23 PM
Hey dudes, this is now my new unbelievable cock-up I've got myself into...... I would appreciate some sensible replies if possible(...who am I kidding) not just lame geeky remarks from a kid. If any of the older dudes have been in this situation some advice would be very welcome
This is my GF on the left, mel(22), on the right is a girl who i've been in touch with for a long time
The thing is, mel wants to be with me forever but I don't want that anymore, dunno if any vets recall those posts I made about mel. I was in love with her for so long, now all I seem to think about is this other girl christine(19)
I realise many guys go through this kinda thing, choosing between girls. Except with this its so complicated its untrue, you see, Mel has a child, the child loves me, mel has a hard time coping with her studies and new job and child so this is my cue to seem like a selfish prick...
I like her kid its just i'm not ready to be asked a million questions a day or tell her not to do things when Mel ain't around. I can do this but its not what I like about the relationship and although she tells me not to do anything for the lil one(6) it still stresses me out when I can't have much privacy
Obviously I knew about the child in the first place but just can't see myself growing up with two girls rather than one.
Mel also has a bit of a temper and in contrast I'm a calm guy who prefers not to shout or throw stuff (lol which she did, her room-mate's Xbox DVD controller was hashed together right after she threw it against the wall).
Mel is very nice to me, gives massages, makes sure I'm happy all the time, cooks, allsorts but when it comes to privacy it tends to be spoiled by something or other.
Now Christine, she is fantastic, almost a dream come true. She is stunning to look at, funny to talk with, brimming full of energy, sings in a band, sings to me. She really likes me
If I break up with mel tho, which seemed unimaginable a year ago, she would fall to pieces, she is in love with me and thinks of me always... She wrote recently that she would understand if my feelings changed, coz I was pissed at her, and that all I need to do is be honest and talk to her about things.
Now that seems like a good get-out clause but I'm afraid she'd do something stupid if we broke up. I've always told her I want to go back as soon as I could to be with her but things change ya know, I can't afford to do it for quite a while and once I get there I'm sure the whole situation would test my patience...
We'd remain friends always but still.... its so tough to decide on what to do
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau