08-04-2003, 03:55 PM
Ok, so I'm at New Horizons, taking one of SEVERAL classes over the next year (paid for by the US Government), and there are ALOT of older workers here. They seem affable enough and intelligent but then they do the one thing that shatters it to all hell -
They open their god damned mouthes. My god, why is it that older people have such a hard fucking time learning new things? We're doing Access Level 1 here, and the questions just keep on coming -
"What's a field!"
"Isn't the date a Currency type?"
"My cats butt smells, how do I reflect this on a table?"
My god. My god in heaven. THESE are the people running local businesses (I know one woman is taking this class before her staff)? I'm taking HTML, DREAMWEAVER, FLASH, ADOBE, and ILLUSTRATOR in the future and I can only imagine the fucking hell I'm going to be in.
At least theres a chick here who I wanna fuck.