More MAP Questions -
08-15-2003, 10:30 AM
Beside checking on the map limit within MOHAA I would like to know about ubersound.scr and localization.txt
These two files are found in some map .pk3s.
1. If you have your own localization file why would a mapper put in a localization.txt within his .pk3 file ?? Is it needed for the mod because I've deleted them and the map ran fine.
2. There is a mod for zzz-ubersound etc that goes in your MOHAA main folder. Some mappers put a ubersound.scr inside their map. I've removed these and found no difference in game play.
Are those 2 files OK to remove from the .pk3 file? Just bothers me that there ar there and wonder if they inadvertenly affect or change my MOHAA configurations ???