01-19-2002, 07:23 AM
I just finished the single-player game... and thought that people who only played the demo might appreciate an independent look at the game.
Before I begin, let me state that MOH:AA is the BEST FPS I've ever played. And I played (more or less) all of them. I have never even registered on a message board for a game before.
- First off, the demo is a bit misleading. It showcases one of the best missions throught the game -- a team-play mission with very carefully placed triggers for enemy soldiers and brilliant design. The full game has a LOT of much more quake-ish missions with just you vs. them. I'll not say more, since it might be considered a spoiler.
- Second -- there are levels with design bordering on amateurish. But this is to be expected. What bothers me is the discrepancy between the great design of the ultra realistic-settings and those more poorly designed. Feels like two different games. The AI is also of varying quality throught the levels - and I've had most fun with the SP demo level, I have to admit.
Oh, and there is the hardware issue. The game could another few months of tweaking, because this is not Q3 used to its full potential. This game is a serious system hog, and unfortunately the best levels seem to suffer the most from slowdowns.
One more practical advice: if you suffer from the "gray screen", mine was caused by audio acceleration set to "none" (you can change it in DXdiag). My guess is the game set it, after booting in safe mode, since Lord knows I didn't touch the damn slider.
And just a bit of warning to all who didn't play RTCW: once you hold a MOH-AA weapon in your hands, you'll never be able to go back to playing RTCW. So run through it first if you would like to play both games.
P.S. - don't start the "warez-bad" bullshit. I was born in Yugoslavia, and there were times when we broadcast the C64 programs on the radio. Anyway, I'll get the game, only it probably won't be in stores until fuc!ing April. Or later.