Clinthill98 -
08-18-2003, 07:38 AM
Since Ydiss brought up the subject of a cheat last week, I might as well post something that I found on MPC this morning. This post is regarding a member we have on these forums. Clinthill98.
Browsing through MPC forum, I find a post about a little script he made. It looked harmless, until it involved cheats. Mind you, nothing serious, but hey, the point is to bring this out into the open am I correct?
I won't give the url or what cheat CVARS he typed in here, but if you need it, I can provide it. Here is a copy of his script readme.txt file. As I said, nothing major, but enough to see that he is trying to harm this game. Read on :
hi this is clint just so scipt stuff i made hope you like it
Feel free do anything want too it....
Binds change this what you want
Bind 1 reconnect
Bind 2 Disconnect
Bind 3 pushmenu_teamselect
Bind 4 Spectator mode
Bind 5 join allies
Bind 6 join axies
Some Alias
This make a boat in level
alias boat dotheboat_1
alias ship rate 1 ; r_showportal 1
alias toggle X toggle_boat_ship
alias axis ib_team 2; bind I allies
alias allies ib_team1;bind I axis
alias burst ib_burstdelay 0;ib_burstduration 1;bind u burstoff
alias burstoff ib_burstdelay 0;ib_burustduration 1;bind u burst
Funny Binds
Bind 8 killyourself
The Vote Binds!
bind X Vote yes
bind X vote no
bind X map dm/mohdm1
bind X map dm/mohdm2
bind X map dm/mohdm3
bind X map dm/mohdm4
bind X map dm/mohdm5
bind X map dm/mohdm6
bind X map dm/mohdm7
bind X map obj/obj1
bind X map obj/obj2
Bind X map obj/obj3
bind X map obj/obj4
bind X g_gametype teamdeath dont add match
bind X g_gametype free for all
bind X g_gametype obj
bind X clientkick 0
bind X next map
Bind X fraglimit 0
bind X timelimit 0
Cheats cvars type these in /mohaa/main/newconfig.cfg
Removes shadows from the weapons and players
seta r_*****_******* 1
shows if you lag
seta cg_lagometer
Makes the whole map white instead taxtures
seta r_******* 1
seta r_**** *** 1
seta ******** 1
all bullents treaks like mg42's it makes a + too show wheere bullet hit
g_showbullettrace 1
makes the game draw areas that it wouldnt usally
seta r_***** 1
fullbright its really cool too use try it
seta r_********** 1
3rd person shooter (really cool)
seta cg_***_****** 1