08-22-2003, 01:22 PM
Best. Thing. Ever. Will no theres sex, but I'll be damned if it aint up there. I actually had an old PS2 that I had modded a year ago, but it only worked on CD-R's and you had to use a Gameshark to make it actually boot games. . .yea, more difficult than giving your girl an "O" and not as satisfying.
So my old PS2 sat on the shelf and collected ALOT of dust. Then I start seeing the games that have been coming out lately - Silent Hill 3, MC2, Kingdom Hearts, MGS: Substance - and I thinks to myself. . .I gotta have that shit. So I take my shitty Ps2 to San Fran, and get it modded, but the guy is telling me the laser is weak as hell (its this way on MOST v4 ps2's and below) and that it wont work well - if at all. He wants to remove it I say - fuck it leave it in lemme try it. Laser is all shot to shit. DOesnt work. At all. So, I say fuck this, take it to EB games, they dont check it, just make sure it has the warranty sticker still there, and bam - 100 dollar credit. Get new refurbished ps2 for 40 bucks. Get my chip placed in new ps2 and HUZZAH! - Silent Hill boots right up. Vice City boots right up. Def Jam Vendetta. . .you get the picture.
One little chip saving me hundreds in dollars.
If anyone has a ps2 (and you're probably a mormon or Amish if you dont, but then if you were Amish how could you be on the internet - did you make a broadband received out of mud and sticks? oOo: ), this is by far the best investment you can get. All it requires if a modchip which can be gotten for as little as 20 bucks. I recommend a Magic 3.6 (what I have) or a Messiah2 Pro. The only other thing is finding someone to solder for you, but there's websites where you can locate a solder whos hopefully close to you so you dont have to mail your machine (no way was I doing that). It's also recommended that you get a DVD Burner (which can go as cheap as 100 bucks), but its not neccesary since alot of the games have "kits" that are made to rip out things (FMV sequences, looping the same background music, etc.), but the gameplay and graphics remain UNCHANGED, all so you can fit it on a CD-R and burn it with your burner (again who DOESNT have a burner). It's nice to have a 1:1 backup of a game so that you get EVERYTHING, but if you dont have that kind of cash you dont need it. As far as where to get games - well if you were one of those folks who had to change your MOH registery setting to ".200" then you already know.
The only problem is the community OBVIOUSLY only supports "backups" which is perfectly legal, so getting help on burning games u dont own will only get you laughed at and kicked in the balls.
So, final verdict - mod your fucking Ps2!