Everyone steals...even your grandmother - -
08-22-2003, 01:54 PM
True fucking story. This relates to my Ps2 thread but really is a topic all of its own -
So I needed a DVD burner last week, and went to FRY's to get one. I tried to do some research but there was a ton of info, so I said fuck it I'll just try one and if I dont like it - I'll take it back.
So at FRY's, looking at DVD burners and theres this guy, in a suit and tie, totally like:
"Hi my name is Jim and I'm the biggest Honkey in the world!" - yea THAT white. Crosses his shoelaces, and waits for the "walk now" sign before crossing the street even if there are no cars. So this guy sees me looking around and he's like -
"Looking for a burner" - And I'm thinking no sherlock I'm looking for my Thanksgiving Ham. Of course my smart ass thought-comment was shot to shit when he started to tell me the virtues of Pioneer and Cyndene burners, and the difference between +R and -R (fyi -R's are great for games, +R's good for movies, and YES there are two types of DVD's and DVD burners -w ell three if you count burners that burn both -R and +R discs), and what I could do to "hack" my burner to read at a higher speed etc. And I'm all like - "whoa - thanks d00d".
Then this spanish guy comes up from behind me, and he's got his kid, and he's like "yea I use that one with DVD X Copy. Rent me some movies and burn em before I take them back. Son I burn them movies in about 45 minutes?" "yea daddy - its fast!"
THEN this old lady. . .and I mean retired pipes in and says:
"I'm just so sick of movie prices. I can make my own movies and watch them with my girlfriends its so convenient."
She then procedded to tell me which medium burned the best for her when she was copying movies to watch.
It was a avery surreal moment indeed.